The course is open to people who are interested in understanding loss and grief and how to support those experiencing bereavement. This short course can either be done as a one week full-time course or as a one day a week part-time course. Each course has a group of twelve participants facilitated by 2 professionally qualified trainers.


The course is theoretical, practical and experiential and includes theoretical explanations of bereavement, grief process, reactions and determinants. The theories are explored in a participatory manner and then related to the participants’ personal experiences of the loss. These personal experiences then serve as a rich learning base for participants.

The practical aspects focus on self-exploration and self-awareness. Participants reflect upon their life experiences in order to gain a better understanding of their own experiences of loss and grief. This is one of the exciting parts of the course, where participants support each other and make a contribution to the group’s learning.

The practical skills and techniques of grief counselling are developed in small groups of three which give participants the opportunity to learn and practice.

The therapeutic factors of grief counselling are explored and discussed using the evidence found in the groups’ sharing as well as from literature. During the course the participants are encouraged to actively contribute to the learning environment.

The counselling challenges faced by counsellors working in the area of loss and grief and discussed and ways of copying and support are explored.


Minimum KCSE C-   

  • Interest to learn and understand loss and grief
  • Work experience in the area of bereavement
  • Interest to learn and understand oneself in relation to personal loss
  • Counselling work experience is an added advantage

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded the Association’s Certificate in Loss and Grief Counselling.

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