The course is open to people who are interested in developing a better understanding of human sexuality. The course is a 3 days full-time held consecutively or spread over weekends. Each course has a group of 15 to 20 participants facilitated by 1 professionally qualified trainer.


This course is both theoretical and practical.

The theoretical aspects of the course are based upon the various technical terms and concepts that form the foundation of the study of sexology. The concepts are explored and then related to the personal experiences of the participants. The topics to be covered include definition of terms, human relations and sexuality, sexual changes throughout life, cross cultural sexual practices, understanding your body, enhancing personal self esteem and sexual self esteem, better understanding of your partner’s needs and enhanced communication between partners.

The practical aspects focus on self-exploration and self-awareness. Participants reflect upon their life experiences in order to gain a better understanding of their sexuality. Support will be offered in the group through fostering of a confidential and empathic environment in which participants will be encouraged to share personal material.

Practical skills on how to develop healthy and fulfilling relationships with partners will be taught and practised. This will be done in pairs and small groups of three. Participants will be encouraged to actively contribute to the learning environment as they adopt culturally appropriate skills.


  • Minimum KCSE qualifications with ability to understand and use English
  • Interest or work experience in a helping field
  • Interest to learn and understand oneself
  • Counselling qualification and work experience is an added advantage

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded the Association’s Certificate of Participation.

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