This course is open to counsellors working in the HIV/AIDS field who are interested in developing adherence counselling skills. The course is 5 days full time in class. Each course has a group of twelve participants facilitated by 2 professionally qualified adherence counselling trainers. The use of personal experiences especially from those working in the HIV/AIDS field will enrich the experiential learning.


The counselling model is based on Motivational Interviewing techniques and principles, which facilitates behavioural change. The strategy of this counselling course is to equip trainees with relevant skills to motivate PLWHA’s undergoing HAART to maintain their HIV treatment and ultimately to reduce viral loads to undetectable level

The course will cover the following topics: basic information on adherence, patient assessment and preparation to adherence, and preparatory adherence counselling. Adherence counselling, prior to and after treatment initiation, has become accepted as integral to antiretroviral therapy. Adherence counselling has the dual objectives of pre-start assessment of patient readiness for treatment and on-going monitoring of adherence after ART has started. Adherence counselling has been developed to maximize patients' success on treatment.

The practical skills of adherence counselling are developed in small groups of three. These small groups give ample opportunity for participants to learn and practice adherence counselling skills in a Comprehensive Care Clinic or a hospital setting by following the adherence counselling protocol.

During the course the participants are encouraged to actively contribute to the learning environment. This practice helps the participant to understand how the theories of adherence counselling are utilised during the session.


  • Minimum KCSE C-
  • Interest or work experience in a helping field
  • Interest to be working in HIV/AIDS field
  • Must have done at least a certificate or VCT in counselling

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded the Association’s/ NASCOP’s Certificate in Adherence Counselling.

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