Course Type:

Professional Personal Development

(Two weeks)


The course is open to people who are interested in developing professional counselling skills. The course is a two weeks full time training. Each course has a group of 12 to 15 participants facilitated by 2 professionally qualified trainers.


This course is both theoretical and practical.

The theoretical aspects includes content such as introduction to counselling, update on HIV/AIDS prevalence locally and internationally, definition of terms in HIV/AIDS, Qualities of a counsellor, communication skills (verbal and non verbal), communication skills practice, introduction to counselling skills, counselling skills practice, Process of counselling for behaviour change, core elements of HIV/AIDS counselling, counselling ethics and human rights, professional burnout, counselling and other forms of care, referral and networking. The theoretical contents are explored and then related to the personal experiences of the participants.

The practical aspects focus on self-exploration and self-awareness. Participants reflect upon their life experiences in order to gain a better understanding of ‘who they are’. The practical skills of counselling are developed in small groups of three. These small groups are given ample opportunity for participants to learn and practice counselling skills.

During the course the participants are encouraged to actively contribute to the learning environment.


  • Minimum secondary school education
  • Interest or work experience in a helping field
  • Interest to learn and understand oneself

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded the Association’s 2 weeks Basic Counselling Certificate.

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