The course is open to teachers, counsellors, parents and other people who are in contact adolescents in a great variety of settings.

Working with adolescents requires continuous interpersonal interaction skills. Those who succeed in their work with adolescents communicate well and make effective interactive choices and are good role models.


This course is both theoretical and practical. Two professionally qualified trainers who facilitate a group of twelve trainees in a good environment facilitate the course. The learning in this course is participatory and experiential through sharing of personal experiences in the group. The facilitators give mini-lectures, give feedback and self- awareness exercises and role-play, while participants reflect upon their life experiences in order to gain better understanding of who they are and examine how their attitudes affect how they communicate with adolescents.

Group work is used as a medium for acquiring the behavioural skills to improve communication and practice counselling skills to help in making effective choices in relationships. Counselling is founded on psychological theories. The very basic theories are explored to help understand both psychosocial and psychosexual personality developments and identity crisis which are related to the personal experiences of the participants’ self esteem and conflict resolutions.

Communication is key in dealing with adolescents. Skills and forms of communication will be enhanced; relationships with parents, superiors and colleagues including management of peer pressure will be explored. There will be practice of basic counselling skills in triads and feedback given.


  • Minimum KCSE C-
  • Interest or work experience in a helping field
  • Interest to learn more about the adolescents
  • Working experience with the youth is an added advantage

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded the Association’s Certificate of qualification.

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