Course Type:

Professional Personal Development


The course is open to people who are interested in developing professional counselling skills and already have background training in counselling. The training takes five days full-time. Each course has a group of twelve participants facilitated by 2 professionally qualified trainers.


This certificate course is both theoretical and practical.

The theoretical aspects are based upon the psychological theories that form the foundation of counselling. Theories are explored and then related to the personal experiences of the participants. These personal experiences then serve as the basis for developing a theoretical foundation for trauma counselling. This eclectic approach allows the counsellor to respond to the individual needs of their clients.

The topics to be covered include definition of trauma, causes of trauma, effects of trauma and trauma intervention (debriefing and counselling). This will include both adults and children.

The practical aspects focus on self-exploration and self-awareness. Participants reflect upon their life experiences in order to gain a better understanding of trauma experiences in their life and others as they work with them. This is one of the exciting parts of the course, where participants support each other and make a contribution to the group’s learning.

The practical skills of trauma counselling are developed in small groups. These small groups give ample opportunity for participants to learn and practice trauma-counselling skills. They video record their sessions and the videos are used to allow participants to observe, analyse and improve their own trauma counselling skills.


  • Basic training in counselling
  • Interest or work experience in a helping field
  • Interest to learn and understand oneself
  • Counselling work experience is an added advantage

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded the Association’s Certificate in Trauma Counselling.

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