This course targets those who want to close the gap between where they are and where they want to be in their relationship. Those involved in relationships e.g. married, courtship, couples, workplace colleagues, family, father/mother and children can benefit from the course.

This is a short four day full-time course for about 15 participants and is facilitated by 2 professionally qualified trainers.


This course will enable participants discover the true purpose of their relationship. It will be the vehicle to help participants achieve the relationship of their dream and take their relationship to the next level and beyond. Participants will benefit from personal growth tips, personal development, self improvement, and create that magic in their relationship.

The course offers participants a chance to build their relationship and also gives them the tools and teaching skills for a healthy relationship many of which have not been taught in our culture.

The course is theoretical, practical and experiential and includes work in groups and in relationship pairs. Sharing in the group is voluntary and CONFIDENTIALITY is paramount as only first names are used.

The format includes short lectures, written reflections of participants’ personal insights, demonstration and practice of skills, tools, and visualization.


  • Minimum KCSE C-
  • Interest to learn and understand ones’ own relationship
  • Work experience in the area of relationships
  • Interest to learn and understand oneself in relation to relationships
  • Counselling work experience is an added advantage

Participants who successfully satisfy the course objectives are awarded the Association’s Certificate in Relationships.

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