KAPC strives to promote professional development in Kenya and other African countries by offering an active membership service to professionally trained counselors. Membership is open to professionally trained counsellors, trainers and supervisors in Sub-/Sahara African region and other developed countries such as UK, America, and Canada.

Download Membership Application Form

- Registration: Ksh. 2,500/=
- Renewal: Ksh. 1,500/=

Benefits include being part of a prestigious and well known professional organisation and opportunities for professional and personal development. Those who register as members will enjoy the following services at all of the KAPC branches of Nairobi, Kisumu and Mombasa.

  • Accreditation for ‘Chartered Counsellor’ cc
  • Supervision
  • Continuing Professional Development e.g.
    • Annual conference
    • Workshops
    • Seminars
    • Short Courses
  • Personal Development or Growth groups
  • Newsletter
  • Library
  • Computer Lab
  • Fun outings
  • Community service
  • Counseling practice opportunities
  • Discussion forums

Fill the form and deliver it to our Office. Or contact us for more details.